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Working on Round 5

Hello hello! It’s been a while. I’ve been kept fairly busy in between school work and other things, but I still had time to cook and take...

Week 6-8: Round 3&4, Breaks

And another 3 weeks bites the dust… Wow. Week 6 was our lightning round for Round 3 of Building Virtual Worlds. We got Week 7 off from...

Week 1-3

It’s been about almost a month since the move to Pittsburgh now, and it’s been quite the journey so far. We’re into week 3 of the...

Arrival in Pittsburgh

So far so good. My heart is in the work… — Andrew Carnegie After mile 1,000, David and I have successfully arrived in Pittsburgh on...


Thanks for being here and hearing about my life updates! For those of you who doesn’t know me, my name is Karen Xu. I graduated from...

Ends and Beginning

Hello all, it’s been a while! College has been really really crazy but I just submitted my last project yesterday so I’m officially done!...

First half, Spring Break!

Hi all! I have returned from Spring Break and am ready to tackle the rest of this semester! This semester has been super exciting so far....

Last One, Best One

Hey friends! Winter break ended in a whirlwind. It was good to be free from the stress from finals and grad school applications for a...

And Over!

Hi friends! Believe it or not, my semester is over. Somehow I have gotten a reminder of graduation being less than 200 days away, gotten...

Post-Fall break madness, as promised

It probably did not come as a surprise to you, but I had two really busy weeks! Sometimes I am amazed at how Holy Cross was able to...

New Beginnings

Hello, to whoever is reading this blog post right now! It’s been a while since I bid the sad goodbye to dear Ireland, spent some time...

Go Raibh Maith Agat, Eiré

Parting time always come sooner than I thought it would. After my last post, I had to immediately immerse myself into studying for the...

Final Month

This past week turned out to be more eventful than I thought it would be. I was not expecting to say this, but the GREs are partly...

Finding a Third Home

It’s crazy to think about that I’m leaving home to China in three short weeks (I have secured an internship working for Tencent...

Post Spring Break Updates!

Spring break was two long weeks, but then also short. Getting back to school is definitely tough, but the reality of crafting a 3000 word...

Spring Break…Part 2

Hi All! It has been a while… After Spring Break that has lasted for two weeks, with the five day the snowstorm break and the four day...

Spring Break Part 1!

Hey parents… sorry I haven’t been completely honest about my whereabouts for this past week. So here was the thing: I am not the greatest...

Snow Days, Dublin Tourists and Abbey Theater

Hi all! Little did I know, that the snow days in Ireland actually happened when I woke up to an email about two (then eventually 3, plus...

Chinese New Year, Galantis, and Malahide Castle

Yes, I disappeared for two weeks…Sorry. But Happy belated Chinese New Year! Yes, it is only two days after Valentine’s day this year so I...

Blog: Blog2
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