Hey friends! Winter break ended in a whirlwind. It was good to be free from the stress from finals and grad school applications for a while, and travel back home as well as to New York for a little bit. I also got to pay a visit to Providence to see a concert by Panic! At the Disco, a band that I grew to love only since April 2018 but I listen to them all the time now. Here are some photos from back home!

New Year’s Day at a bird Sanctuary in Shenzhen!

Art exhibit using laser of different colors. The pattern that the laser forms and the color changes with the elapse of time.

When I said I was getting my fill of bubble tea back home I meant it…
I got back the Friday before school started, so just in time before the storm started to hit, and just in time before the Panic! At the Disco concert on Saturday. Brendon Urie was amazingly killin’ it on that stage, not with those high heels, but still, after shouting for the whole night and trying to make it to some of his registers, I have the upmost respect with those singers truly.

Rainbow torch lights at the concert during “Girls/Girls/Boys”! Was really similar to my experience at a Troye Sivan concert three years ago.
We then came back for senior convocation. I am quite happy that Holy Cross has chosen for this event to take place before the semester started so we really could get an outlook and set up some expectations for ourselves for our last semester here. It was still quite crazy to think that this is going to be our last one, feeling like the Orientations that I have been through a while ago was still something that happened like a month ago. So for this semester, my goals are trying to start everything maybe a week or so before it is due, making time to practice, going to bed early, avoiding unnecessary snacking and coffee, as well as trying on some yoga.
This semester I am taking five classes – I know, I know. Why can’t you just enjoy the last semester? I just can’t seem to haha. I am taking Programming Languages, the last CS course in my major, and I will be doing a project on the programming language Swift with a group of three. We will be writing hangman as well as some other fun little games. I am also in a class about Harry Potter called “Defense Against the Dark Arts” where we are examining a lot about the central themes in Harry Potter. I am in two music classes, Senior Seminar, which is a culmination of the music major, and is the first time I get to take a class with the rest of the class of 2019 who are music majors, as well as Gregorian Chant, and our class is going to be performing in two services of the semester. I am also in New Media, after taking Digital Art last semester and really enjoying what I did. I am already running a bit short on sleep as I try to slowly chew through all my readings, but I also managed to reduce some of the other extracurriculars that I am involved with. I sadly quitted college choir this semester, and I will no longer have as big of a time commitment to senior interviewer this semester. I will be continuing with chamber music though, and I am also having my senior recital on April 8th at 5:30 for those of you who wants to join me in Brooks Concert Hall having a blast!
I am really looking forward to the semester as scary as it is. Next week on Tuesday at 7:30, there is a Beethoven Concert and our entire studio will be playing Beethoven’s piano sonatas. A group of us are also planning to get together for a meal for New Year’s this week. The entire studio sounds really amazing and I really hope if you have time, be there for part of it!

Our studio is looking forward to seeing you in the concert!